Part 19: Dilemma 3
Reign of Queen Ilysia I, AWF ROYAL RUMBLE

Everyone is here today for this veritable slobber knocker! Business is about to pick up here: coming down the aisle, from the Republic of Kauppias, weighing 303 pounds, his chainmail as impenetrable as full place, his saber "Crescent Moon" can slice through armor like butter...Traven...MILNER!

And in the Blue Corner, tougher than a two dollar steak and wearing an armor just as expensive, armed with two pickaxes straight out of the Tiryllian Salt Mines, the Kommoner Killer, the People's Champion...Yubert...GHILDAR!

Without a doubt, we have the Greatest Athletes in the world today at the Royal Rumble.

Lord Tiryll himself is here today, to supervise the match.

Votes Aye (Yubert Ghildar), bets 1 Power (current: 5), bets 9 Coins (current: 13).

Yubert Ghildar is the clear underdog here...Climb The Ladder, Kid! Make Yourself Famous!

Votes Nay (Traven Milner), bets 3 Power (current: 7), bets 5 Coins (current: 8).

Milner has earned his reputation as the toughest son of a bitch in the AWF!

Votes Aye (Yubert Ghildar), bets 4 Power (current: 7), bets 10 Coins (current: 11).

Good Mother Almighty! Look at the Carnage!

Votes Aye (Yubert Ghildar), bets 5 Power (current: 7), bets 10 Coins (current: 11).

Yubert is not just trying to hurt the man - he's out to end his career!

Votes Aye (Yubert Ghildar), bets 6 Power (current: 12), bets 9 Coins (current: 12).

Milner is running like a scalded dog!

Vote Results posted:
Votes Aye, spends 4 Power (current: 3), gains 10 Coins (current: 21).
Votes Aye, spends 1 Power (current: 4), gains 9 Coins (current: 22).
Votes Nay, bets 3 Power (current: 7), spends 5 Coins (current: 3).
Votes Aye, spends 6 Power (current: 6), gains 9 Coins (current: 21).
Votes Aye, spends 5 Power (current: 2), gains 10 Coins (current: 21).
Vote Outcome posted:
Envelope opened: -
Resources and Stability change:
Chronicle stickers:
No changes.
Reign of Queen Ilysia I, Dilemma 3

- Foreman/Sitting Councilmember: grandalt (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: LPFinale
- Treasurer/Navigator: Omobono

- Sitting Councilmember: Danaru (also Treasurer)

- High Scholar/Sitting Councilmember: Quackles (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: Covski
- Treasurer/Negotiator: megane
Dilemma3 posted:
That's a staggering 23 Power in the pot (7 from the previous Round)! This also is, by the way, another reason why I wanted to have partial information itt - but this vote is secret in the boardgame as well, so this is exactly what you could expect at AWF ROYAL RUMBLE.

A 48h voting window is now open!
- Sitting Councilmembers can send me a PM/Email with their final decision. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules!
- Treasurers can now start bribing. Please consult the OP if you need a refresher on the rules!
- Senators are free to discuss the Dilemma and provide their feedback. Don't forget that every choice could have consequences that are not spelled out outright on the front of the card! Also, please remember that the thread is the main discussion platform for your vote intention - the Sheet is only to be used when discussing high level strategy, bargaining strategies and items on the sheet itself.